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With so much confusion around Trusts it is my mission to provide you with a solution which is appropriate for your exacting needs, and not bombard you with legal and technical jargon.


Trusts are essentially suitable for most people:

  • Single

  • Married

  • Living together

  • About to marry

  • Have children/children from a previous relationship

  • Separating/divorced

  • Want to protect the things you’ve worked hard for

  • Want to make considerable tax savings

  • Want to create a legacy for your family

  • Business owner/self employed

  • Want to pass on your home and wealth to children and grandchildren

  • Worry about your children’s choice of partner/spouse

  • Home owner/have other assets such as savings

  • Worry about passing on wealth to children with drug or alcohol issues

  • Have disabled children

  • Had a family fallout

  • Worry about a spouse remarrying after you die

  • Want control of your assets after you’re death

  • Want a flexible arrangement to accommodate changes to your personal/professional situation

​Trusts are amazing and with the right advice provide huge benefits for the people you chose long, long after you’re gone.


iform in association with Countrywide Tax & Trust Corporation Limited is here to provide the right solution for your exacting needs and wishes.

Peace of Mind

Trusts are special, personal, and can provide great financial security for generations to come, changing the lives of the people you chose immeasurably.  

You can place money, investments, land, property of indeed other assets in to Trust for the benefit of the people you chose.

Property not protected by a Trust can face attack from

  • Marriage after death

  • Divorce or separation settlements

  • Creditor or Bankruptcy claims

  • Tax

  • Other third parties

All of the above threats will also apply to future generations, as distributing property to your beneficiaries directly exposes it to the same risks.


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