My campaign 'Your retirement Your Way' aims to improve the lives of people in retirement by empowering informed choice and decisive action against some major threats; fraud, financial crime, frozen assets, loss of choice/control over finances, property and medical treatment, unavoidable expense plus many others.
Retirement is a great time, and one that many look forward to. To make the most of it we need to plan ahead. Life is full of uncertainty, with little (other than death and taxes) guaranteed. In order to make the most of retirement, planning ahead for what we want i.e. lifestyle and level of income is equally important to plan for those unexpected events such as accidents and illness.
This campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of planning ahead and arranging and registering a Lasting Power of Attorney for life's unexpected events. Then, no matter what life throws at you, both you and those around you have complete protection and peace of mind.
This campaign is about choice not chance, and not leaving our futures in the hands of strangers.