6 years ago today I decided to take a leap of faith and embark on the biggest journey of my life, and what a brilliant adventure it has been!
Leaving behind financial security, but zero satisfaction or fulfilment and a fairly toxic working environment my first day made me realise I had been living an unsustainable working life. My decision to fly solo was one of the best I've ever made, in fact I wish I had been brave enough to take it earlier.
Throughout the last 6 years I really haven't looked back, and despite the road not being without some bumps, the future looks bright and inspiring, and my passion for the business has never been greater.
I became we, and I'm delighted to have grown the iform family to the brilliant team we now have. I want to say a huge thank you to my Consultants who took a took a risk in me and I will always feel blessed that they did Sonal Tanna Tony White Peter Deane, it has been a true pleasure to work with such caring, diligent and professional people who believe in people before profit, an ethos I am proud to share.
6 years on we have come a long way:
3 Consultants
A nationwide firm
Growing admin support team
Strategic partnerships with 5 large Wealth Planning firms
Working relationship with multiple Accountants & other professional connections
Rated 5 star by our clients.
Protected in excess of £500M client assets
Provide financial education to NHS, charities, and Financial Advisors
Provide free Wills to a number of charities
Support numerous charitable legacy programs.
Written for the British Psychological Society – The Psychology of Planning ahead.
As I look to the future, I feel inspired to grow and build on the foundations on which Iform was built:
1. Break from the crowd
2. People before profit
3. Service of distinction
I am truly excited about the road ahead, with so many plans and ideas to implement to benefit our valued clients and their families,
I continue to strive to break down barriers, reach more people and raise awareness of the importance of legal protection through education. Continue to believe that Estate Planning is for all and not just the wealthy and the elderly. To challenge convention and tradition. To continue refine our service, listen to our clients views and ensure it is accessible, affordable and inclusive for all.
Thank you to all our valued clients and partners, it has been a true pleasure working and supporting you.
Here’s to future.......