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Approaching Retirement? Top 5 Tips

Approaching Retirement? ✅️Here's what to consider 👇✅️USE savings wisely: Seek Independent financial advice, the cost of a financial planning report/advice will completely out weighed by the value of good quality advice from the best options with your pension pots, managing/mitigating tax and maximising income.

ENSURE your affairs in order: ✅️MAKE/update your Will & arrange Lasting Powers of Attorney to avoid financial hardship and pain in the event of an accident or illness. I actually recommend everyone has a secure foundation (Will & LPA) whatever their age, young people die, get ill and have accidents too.

✅️DONT forget the cost of old age care: No one can afford to ignore this, with only 1:5 now receive state funded care, and with rising costs, planning for this is essential. Average care home fees for 2024 were a whopping £58,746, and £69,083 to receive care at home!

✅️BE prepared to change your plans: With one certainty in life being change ensure you have room and flexibility to accommodate changes to your wealth, income, health, family AND legislation (budget, political etc). ✅️ADAPT to the rising cost of living: Making best use of your resources, embracing tech, trimming excesses, and making savings where possible to get a get a quick income boost.

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